Committee Formed To Increase Census Engagement In 2020

7/24/18 – 11:45 A.M.

The 2020 census is a couple of years away, but Findlay is already making plans to drive up engagement. The Municipal Complete Count Committee met for the first time Tuesday. Mayor Lydia Mihalik says the group will work to make sure the census gets an accurate count in Findlay…

Audio: Lydia Mihalik

Mihalik says census numbers help determine everything from council wards to congressional district lines. It also impacts federal emergency response and community development block grant funding…

Audio: Lydia Mihalik

Mihalik adds that it’s important that the city has accurate representation in the census and for more than just normal governmental reasons…

Audio: Lydia Mihalik

Mihalik adds that 50 North also needs an accurate count so they know what to provide for senior services over the next decade.

The Municipal Complete Count Committee will help drive the engagement effort. It’s made up of representatives of organizations like Findlay City Schools and 50 North among others. Mihalik says they will likely add more people as they move forward.