Wetlands Restoration Project Proposed For Area Along The Blanchard

6/26/18 – 12:35 P.M.

The Hancock County Commissioners saw plans for a possible wetlands restoration project along the Blanchard River today. The Nature Conservancy’s Amy Brennan says the roughly 200-yard project along County Road 89 would keep nutrients from getting into the river…

Audio: Amy Brennan

Brennan says that in turn keeps harmful nutrients from making it to Lake Erie…

Audio: Amy Brennan

She adds restored wetlands would also store some water during floods.

The Ohio Division of Wildlife paid to create the plans. Brennan says if the county moved forward with the project, there would likely be several funding sources to tap into. The commissioners are not obligated to use the plan.

Commissioner Mark Gazarek said he was hesitant to move forward with anything until the Maumee Watershed Conservancy and Stantec Engineering looked at the plans. That’s because construction would require moving around 6,700 cubic feet of dirt.

The commissioners also had concerns about planting trees in the wetland area, since trees can fall into the river and create blockages.

The commissioners didn’t take action on the proposal today.

Proposed area for Wetlands Restoration: