Findlay City Council Not Getting Into Workers’ Comp Provider Dispute

6/20/18 – 5:01 A.M.

Findlay City Council is staying out of a dispute between Mayor Lydia Mihalik and Auditor Jim Staschiak. The Courier reports Staschiak pressed the council appropriation committee to take up the issue of which company should help manage the city’s workers’ compensation. Committee member Holly Frische agreed but didn’t have the support of other committee members. Councilman Tom Shindledecker said the city administration needed to make the decision.

At issue is the company the Ohio Municipal League contracts with for workers compensation. The group announced it was switching providers from CompManagement to CareWorksComp last month.

Staschiak paid a $6,000 fee to CompManagement before the Municipal League announced the change. He wants to stay with CompManagement, but Mihalik overrode the decision in favor of CareWorksComp. Mihalik says her administration doesn’t receive the communications it wants from CompManagement.

Law Director Don Rasmussen says the mayor can make the change since she is the city’s “contracting officer.”

MORE: The Courier