Monthly Archives: May 2018

Jobs And Family Services Asking County Commissioners For More Funding After Levy Failed

05/24/18 – 4:17 P.M.

Hancock County Jobs and Family Services met with the county commissioners today to talk about the budget. Executive Director Diana Hoover requested $450,000 to help children in foster care.

Diana Hoover

Hoover explained that the commissioners are getting more information before moving forward.

Diana Hoover

The commissioners want to know if this is a mandated cost for them. If it is, then they will have to cut funding from other departments to make it happen.

Hoover said that costs are up this year. JFS had to place 54 children so far this year, 3 more than all of last year.

Hanon Systems Moving Forward With Expansion In Carey

5/24/18 – 5:34 A.M.

Hanon Systems is moving forward with an expansion in Carey. The Wyandot County Office of Economic Development announced the plans Wednesday. The company has a facility in the Arrowhead Commerce Park. It will start the expansion this summer, with completion planned for either late next year or in early 2020.

Hanon plans to hire 242 additional workers as a part of the expansion.

Both the village and the Carey School District approved a tax abatement for Hanon to help aid the expansion.

MORE: The Courier

Liberty-Benton Support Staff Members Get New Contract

5/24/18 – 5:26 A.M.

Support staff members in the Liberty-Benton school district have a new contract. The LB school board approved a three year deal with educational aides, secretaries, and maintenance staff during their Wednesday meeting. The contract gives them a 2.75 percent raise in the first year.

Superintendent Mark Kowalkski says performance-based evaluations will determine raises in the second and third year of the deal.

MORE: The Courier

Road Work Continues On Findlay Streets

5/24/18 – 5:17 A.M.

You’ll see plenty of road work in Findlay through the end of the month. The city says crews will reduce North Blanchard Street between Trenton and Melrose avenues to one lane for southbound traffic.

City crews are reducing South Main Street, between Crawford and Lima streets to one lane at times to place mulch in the curb bump-outs.

Milling and paving work will close East Lincoln Street between Main and East streets during working hours. That project should last through tomorrow.

The city is closing several streets between Blanchard Street and the railroad for storm sewer installation. East Foulke Avenue, Allen Avenue, Midland Avenue, Garfield Avenue, and George Street are all included on that list.

Crews have also closed Park Street between Lima and Hancock streets for road reconstruction.

A milling and paving project will temporarily close Cory Street between Washington and Frazer streets next week.

Arcadia School Board Discusses Transgender Bathroom Policy

5/24/18 – 5:05 A.M.

The Arcadia school board is looking into a proposed policy that would allow transgender students to use the school restroom of their choosing. The board met Wednesday to talk about legal and privacy concerns that surround the issue. The discussion came after a female student who identifies as male asked to use the boys’ restroom.

The board didn’t make any decisions Wednesday. They will take the advice of their attorney before moving forward.

A statement from Superintendent Bruce Kidder said, “We have policies dedicated to providing all students with a safe and non-discriminatory learning environment. Based on these policies, we are prepared to accommodate any student who has individual privacy or safety needs, including needs related to the use of school bathrooms.”

Several residents showed up to talk about their concerns. Many wondered about balancing the safety and rights of students, as well as the laws govern the matter.

MORE: The Courier

Running Club At Chamberlain Hill Elementary Teaches Kids To Tackle Challenges

05/23/18 – 6:58 P.M.

Chamberlain Hill Elementary School in Findlay has started the only Hero Boys Running Club in Ohio. Club Leader Jayson Schube explained that this club teaches young boys about challenges.

Jayson Schube

Schube said that the program teaches kids to be heroes through running.

Jayson Schube

Schube said that there are 17 kids in the program designed for grades 3-5. He added that they’ve shown remarkable progress.

Schube said that the kids took part in a 5k to prove how far they’ve come. The program is only 8 weeks long and costs $75.

Fostoria City Council Looking For New Second Ward Representative

5/23/18 – 8:58 A.M.

Fostoria City Council is looking for a new representative for its second ward. The Review-Times reports Greg Flores recently stepped down from the post.

Anyone interested needs to submit a resume and cover letter to the mayor’s office by May 31. Candidates must live in the second ward and be registered to vote in that precinct.

The second ward is mostly anywhere west of Countyline Street within city limits.

MORE: Review-Times