“Spirit Of 1776” Organizer Calls Into Question Dorney Plaza Use

3/6/18 – 11:57 A.M.

The organizers of the annual “Spirit of 1776” program in Findlay took his concerns about the use of Dorney Plaza to the Hancock County Commissioners Tuesday. Don Van Renterghem says his application to use the plaza said the group can’t use the grass during the event on July 4.

Commissioner Brian Robertson says that has to do with the young age of the grass, but otherwise, they are welcome to the space…

Audio: Brian Robertson

After a lengthy discussion, Van Renterghem agreed to put together a visual layout for the event and then work with the commissioners toward a consensus on how to move forward.

The Spirit on 1776 program features historical reenactors giving history lessons following the Independence Day parade in downtown Findlay.