Closing Statements Given In Houdeshell Murder Trial

01/17/18 – 2:37 P.M.

The jury heard closing statements today in 29-year-old Brent Houdeshell’s murder trial of 2-year-old Breyden Ferell. The Courier’s Eileen McClory said that assistant Hancock County Prosecutor Colleen Limerick recapped their side.

Eileen McClory

She also added that medical experts agreed that Ferell was a victim of abuse and homicide. McClory said that defense counsel Adam Nemann closed arguments saying there was no motive.

Eileen McClory

He added that forensic pathologist Dr. Werner Spitz said Ferell could have fallen out of the crib and died. The Prosecution stated that Houdeshell abused Ferell and had expert witnesses testify that Ferell died of abuse.

Read more in tomorrow’s Courier or online.