Study Shows Ottawa Employees Underpaid

1/15/18 – 5:24 A.M.

A study commissioned by Ottawa officials has found that several village employees are underpaid. The Putnam County Sentinel reports the study found that 14 of the 26 people who work for Ottawa make less than what the study considered the minimum payment level. The study also found no village employees get what it considered mid-level pay.

The list of underpaid employees includes the entire police department outside of the police chief and all of the public works department.

Mayor Dean Meyer tells the newspaper “what we need to do is make up that difference and make sure we can keep our employees and attract good employees in the future.” He added, “a big part of that is wages and benefits and we have to make sure we’re in line with where we need to be.”

Meyer also said he had confidence in the village council to get Ottawa to that point.

MORE: Putnam County Sentinel