Efforts To Remove One Sales Tax Issue From Ballot Fall Short

10/3/17 – 11:45 A.M.

Members of the Blanchard River Watershed Solutions group lobbied the Hancock County Commissioners to remove a quarter-percent sales tax levy from the November ballot today. David Blatnik is with the group, and says now is not the time to try and pass a levy…

Audio: David Blatnik

Commissioner Brian Robertson introduced a motion to take the sales tax issue, also known as Issue 3, off the ballot. Commissioners Gazarek and Bechtol did not second the motion.

Blatnik says Blanchard River Watershed Solutions will talk positively about mitigation but encourage people to vote against the levy. He says they may support a levy when a project is officially on the table…

Audio: David Blatnik

Blatnik says that businesses and agricultural interests are starting to come together on the flooding issue…

Audio: David Blatnik

Blatnik says they believe there could be better locations for flood mitigation devices like retention basins. Steve Cramer of the Hancock for a Better Blanchard Group seemed to agree in part. He said they understand the water has to go someplace. Cramer added they would prefer it stay closer to the river rather than on valuable farmland.