Efforts Continue To Grow Hancock County Workforce

9/26/17 – 1:00 P.M.

Efforts to grow the local workforce are focusing on ways to show young Hancock County residents the opportunities that exist close to home. Pam Hamlin is with the Millstream Career Center and says sometimes kids don’t realize what’s in their backyard…

Audio: Pam Hamlin

Millstream Career Center is part of the Raise the Bar Program. One focus of the raise the bar program is to grow the workforce as more people in the county become eligible for retirement.

Raise the Bar director Lori Zyldonic says Findlay needs to be more than a place to come to work…

Audio: Lori Zyldonic

Zyldonic says part of the plan to grow the workforce is to show young residents there are opportunities close to home. As part of that effort, Findlay High School is holding a career fair Wednesday morning.