09/08/17 – 2:51 P.M.
Local officials answered some questions about the capital projects included in the proposed sales tax increase. This includes the jail expansion. Judge Reginald Routson said that they have ideas that would save the county money.
Sheriff Mike Heldman said that the jail needs about 156 more beds than it has now. It will cost at least $80,000 a bed to complete the project.
Judge Kristen Johnson said that the quarter percent for capital improvements will go for upgrades to the probate court. She said that the court needs more security and a better layout.
Commissioner Brian Robertson said that they will also try to include a justice center building in the plans. This will allow many of the departments to be under one roof and stop leasing out properties.
You will see two proposed quarter percent tax levies on the ballot for Hancock County this year. One is for operating expenses, one will go towards the flood fund, and the last is additional capital improvements.