Monthly Archives: August 2017

Fostoria Learning Center Opens Today

8/23/17 – 5:35 A.M.

The Fostoria Learning Center officially opens its doors today. The Review-Times reports the fall semester starts at 5 p.m. in the renovated Kroger building at 342 Perry Street. Students at the center are working in both levels of the Medical Assistant program. Terra State Community College helped create the program.

The new facility includes a full exam room, a restroom for collecting specimens, and a laboratory for drawing blood. It also has a reception area where students can run realistic simulations as an administrative assistant.

While construction on the learning center started last year, officials say this is really the culmination of a seven-year dream.

MORE: Review-Times

Mihalik Joins Other Ohio Mayors To Lobby For Opioid Operations Center

8/23/17 – 5:26 A.M.

Findlay Mayor Lydia Mihalik is joining a group of mayors from across the state in lobbying for a new way to fight the opioid epidemic. The Associated Press reports the Ohio Mayors Alliance is urging Governor John Kasich to start an emergency operations center to coordinate the response to the opioid issue. The idea is to establish a joint operations center like what might appear during a disease outbreak.

Kasich spokesman John Keeling says the Governor will give the matter serious consideration.

The operations center is one of seven suggestions for combating opioid abuse. The mayors also want the state to review Medicaid policies related to detoxification and treatment programs for addicts.

MORE: The Courier

Arcadia Men Charged With Sex Crimes

8/23/17 – 5:11 A.M.

Two Arcadia men are facing charges stemming from allegations of sex crimes against minors. The Courier reports 32-year-old Dustin Woodward faces 12 counts of gross sexual imposition and 12 counts of pandering sexually-oriented material involving a minor. Investigators say Woodward engaged in sexual conduct with 6-year-old multiple time in April and May. They also say he spread sexual material involving minors.

38-year-old Jacob Mullholand faces 10 counts of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance for allegedly having child pornography.

MORE: The Courier

10 Years Later: Flood Funding Blame Game

8/23/17 – 5:04 A.M.

It’s been 10 years since the devastating 2007 Blanchard River flood, and many questions remain. Today the Courier asks if our congressional representatives were doing their jobs when it comes to flood mitigation. Congressman Bob Latta and Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown have all talked about their frustration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Latta said the agency decides if a project gets funding.

A Boise State University professor who has written a book and essays about the corps disagrees. Todd Shallat tells the newspaper it was up to Latta to get funding through the House Appropriations Committee. Latta and Brown both disagree with that statement. Latta says former House speaker John Boehner banned earmarks in 2011. Before that he banned Republicans from seeking earmarks when he served as the minority leader.

Shallat counters that earmarks didn’t go away. He says Congress just started calling them something different.

MORE: The Courier

BGSU Ramps Up Efforts To Stop Sexual Assaults

8/23/17 – 4:24 A.M.

Bowling Green State University is doubling efforts to stop sexual assaults on campus. A report released yesterday detailed recommendations for new policies, education and prevention efforts. The task force behind the report says the recommendations follow best practices from other universities to improve the campus culture and promote reporting of sexual assaults.

Peace Vigil To Be Held In Downtown Findlay Tomorrow

08/22/17 – 5:18 P.M.

The Hancock Democratic Party is holding a peace vigil tomorrow evening at the Millstream Art Plaza in downtown Findlay. According to a Facebook post, there will be a guitar and song sheets available. The vigil will be held from 6-8 p.m. and everyone is welcome to take part. You’re urged to bring signs sharing a message of peace and love.

If you have any questions you can contact Nancy Stephani on the Hancock County Dems Facebook page.

Cost To House Inmates Outside Of Hancock County Continues To Rise

8/22/17 – 11:00 A.M.

The cost of housing Hancock County inmates in other counties continues to rise. The Hancock County commissioners appropriated another $180,000 for “outside housing” during their Tuesday meeting. To deal with overcrowding at the Hancock County Jail the county is paying Putnam and Van Wert counties to house inmates until space opens up locally.

Commissioner Brian Robertson said this only continues a trend. He said the county averages 214 prisoners processes per month for a 96-bed facility.

Unemployment Slowly Rising In The Region

8/22/17 – 10:50 A.M.

Unemployment continues to creep upward in Hancock County. Numbers reported by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services show a 4.1 percent unemployment rate in July. That’s up from 3.9 percent in June. The local unemployment rate has risen slightly every month since the May report.

The same trend is true in Putnam County. The latest figures show a 4.1 percent jobless rate. That’s up from 3.7 percent in June and 3 percent in April.

Wyandot County has the lowest jobless rate in the area at 3.9 percent. All other area counties are above 5 percent unemployment. Hardin County has the highest unemployment rate in our region at 6 percent.