Need For Help Persists Two Weeks After Most Recent Flooding

7/26/17 – 10:23 A.M.

The most recent round of flooding in Findlay is well past us, but the recovery effort is ongoing. That’s according to United Way of Hancock County executive director John Urbanski…

Audio: John Urbanski

Urbanski says the flash flooding affected many people who hadn’t had water problems before. He says because of this, many people may not know the scope of people who need help.

Urbanski adds that in the nearly 10 years since the 2007 flood, Hancock County has torn down several flood prone properties. The effort has reduced damage from other floods, including this month’s high water. It’s also had an interesting side effect…

Audio: John Urbanski

Urbanski says reduced damage from floods makes it harder to get FEMA money. He adds that means local cleanup efforts are even more important.

The United Way is currently asking for volunteers to help local residents remove flood debris from their homes. If you would like to help you can call (419)423-1432. The United Way website is also collecting money to help flood victims.