Commissioner Gazarek Says Ideas For Sales Tax Extension Have Evolved Over The Last Month

6/16/17 – 11:03 A.M.

The Hancock County Commissioners are likely to ask voters to extend a half-percent sales tax later this year. Half of that tax pays for flood mitigation. Earlier this year the commissioners had hoped to avoid dedicating a full quarter percent to mitigation, but Commissioner Mark Gazarek says that has changed…

Audio: Mark Gazarek

Gazarek says money raised from the tax would also continue to buy flood-prone properties and pay for a finalized plan from Stantec Engineering.

On May 23, Gazarek told the Hancock County Republican Women the commissioners hoped to avoid dedicating all of the quarter percent to flood mitigation. At the time he said that would allow them to focus on other county needs.

The current half-percent sales tax expires after 2018. Half of the tax helps pay for county operations while the other is dedicated toward flood mitigation.