Candidate Profile: Dina Ostrander

4/26/17 – 5:30 A.M.

We continue our look at the candidates running in contested Findlay primary races today. Dina Ostrander is one of two Republicans running for the Third Ward council seat. Ostrander says her community involvement makes her a good fit for the position…

Audio: Dina Ostrander

Ostrander says she sees serving on council as a way to give back to the community.

Ostrander says she when it comes to the budget the city should strike a balance between saving and investing…

Audio: Dina Ostrander

She adds the city’s investment in Dorney Plaza was a good one…

Audio: Dina Ostander

Ostrander says she thinks the city did a good job dealing with a tight timeline on the Dorney Plaza funding issue.

Tomorrow’s profile features Ostrander’s opponent, Mike Tanner.

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