Candidate Profile: Barb Lockard

4/20/17 – 4:48 A.M.

We continue our look at the candidates running in contested Findlay primary races today. Barb Lockard is one of four Democrats running for a Council-at-Large seat. Lockard says she’s running because she has experience in helping people who need a voice…

Audio: Barb Lockard

Lockard says serving on the Findlay City School board helped form her perspective as well.

She says when it comes to the budget the city should work to get more grant money…

Audio: Barb Lockard

Lockard adds the city needs to keep investing in resources like downtown to make sure it stays a draw for the community.

She says there are common sense solutions to allowing bikes in downtown Findlay…

Audio: Barb Lockard

Lockard also thinks bike lanes in downtown are a good idea.

Next week we profile the candidates running in contested Republican races.

Full Interview:

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