Proposed Bike Restriction On Downtown Findlay Sidewalks Tabled

04/19/17 – 1:02 P.M.

Findlay City Council tabled the proposed restriction on bicycling in downtown Findlay. Councilman Grant Russell said that council should table the ordinance while the roads and alleys are being worked on. Councilman Ron Monday agreed adding that he thinks there needs to be more research done.

Charles Ramirez addressed council criticizing the ordinance. He said that as a Blanchard Valley Center client, he and other clients use their bicycles to get around and run errands. He added that using alleys could be dangerous as well due to truck traffic. He requested that city officials look at how many pedestrian-bicyclist crashes happened over the past one or two years.

The legislation came from complaints about bicyclists having near misses with pedestrians. There was talk about local restaurants offering sidewalk dining adding to the hazard.