Candidate Profile: Mary Harshfield

4/19/17 – 5:30 A.M.

We continue our look at the candidates running in contested Findlay primary races today. Mary Harshfield is one of four Democrats running for a Council-at-Large seat. Harshfield says she’s running because she believes some people don’t have a voice on city council…

Audio: Mary Harshfield

Harshfield says she feels this is especially true for the working class in the city.

On the budget, Harshfield says she thinks the budget looks good now but worries about big expenses down the line…

Audio: Mary Harshfield

Harshfield adds she doesn’t want to see the city rush into expenses. She feels the Dorney Plaza upgrade project seemed rushed and needed more public discussion.

Harshfield says a compromise is needed when it comes to bikes on downtown sidewalks…

Audio: Mary Harshfield

Harshfield says some of the alleys in downtown are dangerous for bicyclists because of potholes and issues with lighting.

Tomorrow’s profile will feature Barb Lockard.

Full Interview:

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