Candidate Profile: Tim Davis

4/17/17 – 4:30 A.M.

The May primary election is rapidly approaching, and we begin our look at the candidates running in contested races today. Tim Davis is one of four Democrats running for a Council-at-Large seat. Davis says he’s running so he can give a voice to those who don’t feel like they’re being heard…

Audio: Tim Davis

Davis says he would do that by holding monthly meetings with constituents at area coffee houses and through interaction over the internet.

Davis says council needs more transparency when it comes to budget issues…

Audio: Tim Davis

Davis says council could advertise the issues that are going to come up in each meeting before they take place so more people know what is going on.

Davis says Dayton provides a good example of how to handle bikes in the Findlay downtown area…

Audio: Tim Davis

Davis added he thinks bikes on sidewalks at busy times can be a safety problem for pedestrians.

Tomorrow’s profile will feature Heidi Mercer.

Full Interview:

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