2018 Budget Proposal Can Affect BCMH Services

03/22/17 – 4:01 P.m.

The state budget for 2018 could affect a service offered to low-income families with a disabled child. BCMH Services support families with children that face physical and developmental challenges. Hancock Health Commissioner Karim Baroudi said that the services were well used but that this created some issues.

Karim Baroudi

Baroudi said that if the budget is passed then the services will transfer to the Ohio Department of Medicaid. He isn’t sure how this will affect the services.

Karim Baroudi

Baroudi added that they will continue to care for people until the transfer is official.

Karim Baroudi

If the budget passes and you apply after July 1 you will receive care from the department of Medicaid. Baroudi added that they want to ensure an easy transition so that every receives a continuity of care.