Stantec Gives Update on Recommended Flood Mitigation Efforts

2/22/17 – 8:13 p.m.

The consulting firm hired to handle the research into flood mitigation talked about their findings. Stantec Project Manager Scott Peyton said that they have a recommended plan of action.

Scott Peyton

The program costs 160 million dollars with a 30% contingency. Peyton added that each part of the plan is independent. The city and county can focus efforts on one before choosing to do the next.

Peyton said that the diversion channel on Eagle Creek is not in the plan.

Scott Peyton

The dry detention basin requires fewer parcels of land than the diversion channel. Peyton added that the diversion channel would not be as effective as the Army Corps of Engineers said it would. Peyton said that the channel was based off statistics in the 25-year flood. In the 100-year flood, there will be roughly 1000 more cubic square feet of water in the creek.

Scott Peyton

USACE had a modeling error that showed a decrease of 4.6 feet of water during a flood when in reality it was a decrease of .9 feet. Stantec discovered the error and made the adjustments.