Fostoria Superintendent Not A Fan Of Education Proposals In Possible State Budget

2/22/17 – 9:20 A.M.

The superintendent of the Fostoria City School District is taking issue with education proposals in Governor John Kasich’s budget proposal. The Review-Times reports Andrew Sprang talked about the subject at Tuesday’s board meeting. Sprang says a requirement for teachers to serve an internship at a local business to renew their license is “completely unprofessional.” He added, “we should be tasked with doing our job and not with having to go out and know how to do everything.”

Sprang is also not a fan of a proposed requirement to appoint three non-elected members of the business community to the school board. He said the school district already has a good relationship with the chamber of commerce, city officials, and other organizations.

Sprang was a little more welcoming of a proposal dealing with opioid addiction. Teachers would learn more about signs of substance abuse and ways to prevent it as part of the plan. Sprang says, “it is a very prevalent issue in society and we want to work and do our best to help out.”

MORE: Review-Times